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Photo credits:

  • Willem Mes Photography (Lumax, Merkaz,Slobberakplantsoen)
  • Fotografie/ Norbert van Onna (123 Koningslaan)
  • Ruth van Eck-Rotholz (Telingstraat 7a, Leidsche Rijn Langerak, 123 Koningslaan, Merkaz, Lumax, Ledig Erf, Wolvenplein, Slobberakplantsoen, Bellamystraat, Kapelstraat,and all photographs of the Landscape sculputure, and Ceramics)
  • Jerusalem Supreme Court photos: Richard Bryant, Avrahan Hai, Tal Karmi, Joseph Nevo, Peter Szmuk , and details Ruth van Eck-Rotholz

Text credits:

  • Ruth van Eck-Rotholz, unless otherwise noted.

Website design and technique: